Sunday, June 7, 2015

Every Day Is Gun Safety Day

Paul Carlson is making a real effort for gun safety. He will be publishing 30 days worth of gun safety videos. I know Paul and I have great respect for his training ability.

Unlike the Demanding Mommies who ran around on June 2nd in their Felon Orange Tees, Paul is serious about gun safety.

Paul Carlson - Safety Lesson No. 7

Paul Carlson of Safety Solutions Academy has created a series of videos on gun safety. The real gun safety not that stuff being peddled by gun controllers as gun safety.

Here is a lesson on how to safely unload a semiauto handgun.

In Yesterday's Gun Safety Video tip we talked about how to check to see if a handgun is unloaded. Of course checking is important, but what do you do if you discover that the gun is loaded?Today's Gun Safety Video tip from Safety Solutions Academy, LLC shows you how to safely unload a handgun.Make sure to watch the video and to check out for more gun safety video tips.
Posted by Safety Solutions Academy, LLC on Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Do's And Don'ts of Household Gun Safety

I like this poster and I think it captures the Four Rules in a slightly different format. I also like seeing the housewife using an AK-47.